
This is essentially an overview of my resume; feel free to contact me if you’d like to see a full version.

➣ Software Engineer 1 at Illumina. This is my current role.

➣ Engineering Intern at Kitu Systems.

➣ Backend Lead and Engineer for Berkeleytime.

➣ Facilitator and TA for the Digital Privacy DeCal (RIP).

➣ Intern for Epic Sciences.


➣ Languages: English (fluent) and French (basic comprehension)

➣ Programming: Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, R, Git, SQL

➣ Other software: Google Workspace, iWork, Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, ArcGIS Pro, GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, & Adobe Illustrator


In 2023, I graduated from UC Berkeley. These are some classes I took there.

Department Title Tools and topics
Computer Science Data Structures object-oriented programming, unit testing, Java, analysis of algorithms
Computer Science Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) C, RISC-V, number representation, caches
Computer Science Computer Security Golang, memory safety, cryptography, web security, network security
Computer Science Introduction to Database Systems SQL, join algorithms, recovery, distributed transactions
Computer Science Foundations of Computer Graphics C++, Rasterization, Ray Tracing, Color Science
Data Science Principles and Techniques of Data Science Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, scikit-learn
Statistics Introduction to Programming in R R and the tidyverse; data visualization and analysis
Nutritional Science and Toxicology Toxicology drug discovery, mechanisms of toxicity, toxicity testing
Public Health Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health R, statistical testing and inference
Molecular and Cellular Biology Survey of the Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology metabolic pathways, macromolecules, genetics
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Introduction to Geographic Information Systems spatial data analysis, map projections, georeferencing, symbology

ESPM research

In college, I assisted with research efforts in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

➣ I helped investigate Tetragnatha chemical ecology using GC-MS, R, and ArcGIS Pro with Seira Ashley Adams of the Gillespie and Roderick research group, including as a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow.

➣ I recombined more than 1,000 effluent samples under the direction of Sarick Matzen for an investigation of bioremediation of arsenic with the Pallud Lab.

➣ With the Mills Lab, I worked with a set of bee specimens collected for Laura Ward’s dissertation, primarily preparing them for storage in the Essig Museum of Entomology.

Community involvement

I’ve previously been involved with the Berkeley Student Food Collective, 350 Bay Area, the Hand Up Food Pantry at Jewish Family Service of San Diego, and local honeybee conservation.